Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Life with a new baby

Two weeks have gone by since the birth of Maggie and things are going great! Maggie is a very easy baby compared to her big sister. She sleeps most of the time and then happily wakes up to eat. The only time we hear her cry is when she isn't getting milk fast enough. It has been so wonderful having Will home this entire time since he can watch the girls while I nap or take Kate out on errands to keep her busy. Kate has been adjusting to her new life very well. She is such a kind and loving big sister. We have only had a few meltdowns with her, but that is to be expected. Below are some new pictures of Maggie...enjoy!

Maggie is showing off her fancy swimsuit she got from Dedushka and Grammalene. On Sunday we took Kate to the local pool before is closed for the season. Maggie had to wear her swimsuit too though she slept the entire time in the Bjorn front-pack.

Auntie Sarah bought the girls these adorable matching dresses. This was the best sister picture of could get of them in the dress.

Daddy was giving Kate horsie rides. So much fun! This picture represents 4 generations of second daughters. My Grandma, Mom, myself, and Maggie are all second born daughters. Even 3 out of the 4 of us have birthday's in late August. We are super awesome! :-)

We have been able to take several walks with Kate and Maggie. Unlike Kate, Maggie actually sleeps during the walk and is okay with sitting in the stroller the whole time!
Kate does a great job sharing her toys with Maggie...for now.