Thursday, October 22, 2009


Kate turns 3 months today! She has grown and matured so much in such a short time. Here is a picture of Kate showing off her chubby arms and new slippers.

In the past 2 weeks, Kate has learned how to bring her fist up to her mouth. Sometimes she even can get both fists to her mouth at the same time. Now we just need the thumb to pop out. Yum!

Kate has recently learned to take naps in her crib. This has been an on going challenge since she usually prefers to sleep in our arms or bouncy seat during the day. It is not always successful putting her in her crib, but she is getting better!

In the past week, Kate has learned how to grab Mr. Froggy out of my hand. She can successfully grab her toy and bring it to her mouth. Once in her mouth, Kate acts repulsed by the texture, but she still likes to give it a lick

Kate just learned that her playmat is not a torture toy. She used to get really mad if I placed her on her back, but now she loves to look at the musical star up above. She smiles and giggles when I turn the music and lights on. She even can swing her arms around to hit the rattles hanging above.

Happy 3 months beautiful baby!

1 comment:

Ben and Sarah said...

CUTE pictures! I love the pic of Kate's hand in her mouth. :-) Andrew would put both of his fists in his mouth, too, when he was her age, and then he figured out how to suck the two favorite fingers, and we are still trying to break him of it!!!