Sunday, February 19, 2012

February Happenings

After we got back from Disneyland the girls were hit with a horrible respiratory virus. It took over a week to recover but we are finally getting back to normal. While sick, Kate was very exhausted all day long and actually took naps during the day (this is a very rare occurrence). One day Kate actually fell asleep standing at the couch! It was very cute!

I love my Kate!
Maggie is getting so big and so strong. On Thursday (Feb. 23) she will be 6 months old! Maggie is getting so good at sitting up independently and really interacting with all of her toys. She is quite the go-getter and reaches for everything in sight. We have to be very careful not to leave anything in her reach that is harmful. She is a true delight and her big smile just melts the heart!

Today we gave Maggie her first taste of solid food. We gave her the typical rice cereal and she wasn't too thrilled about the idea. She wasn't too fond of me putting the food in her mouth and she looked quite confused when I would do so. We will have to keep trying and hope that she warms up to the idea.

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