Monday, May 7, 2012

Trip to Tahoe

We just got back from our annual bible study trip to our Tahoe family cabin.  We had a wonderful time hanging out with our friends and enjoying the beautiful, sunny weather.  Kate spent most of her time playing in the "secret room" with her friend, Hazel.  Maggie spent most of her time crawling around, exploring her new environment.  

 Kate loved spending time with her friend, Hazel.  Here they are taking a break from playing to watch a movie.
 Will and Rusty checking some things out on the iPad.
 "Mmmmm, this remote is yummy!"
 Baby Henry is the newest member of our group...the first boy!  He was enjoying taking a little nap on his mommy.
 One of the highlights of our trip to Tahoe was our time at McDonald's.  I know that sounds pretty silly to say, but we really had a great time since Kate loved climbing all over the play place while Maggie slept most of the time.  The biggest point of fascination was the life-size Ronald McDonald.  Both Kate and Maggie were very amazed by him!

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