Thursday, July 5, 2012


Maggie is WALKING!!!!  She took her first official steps on June 30...that is 10 months old!

One of Maggie's favorite things to walk with is an empty water jug.  She is pretty quick!  It is so hilarious to watch her push around the water jug so efficiently!

Independent steps!  She can take several steps all on her own.  We tried to get good video last night but she was getting a little tired and so were her steps.  At the beginning of this clip you will see some of her independent steps.

Kate and Maggie can now take baths together.  Yay!  It is so much fun to watch them splash and play together in the bath. 
 Yesterday Kate put on my sun visor, sunglasses and flip-flops without my help.  She was feeling pretty stylish!
 Maggie fell asleep in her car seat cuddling her baby doll.  She loves her little baby doll and takes her everywhere.
 Hula Kate...practicing for our trip to Maui!

1 comment:

Ben and Sarah said...

Good job walking, Maggie!!! :-)