Friday, February 1, 2013

Preschool Pictures

Kate's preschool teacher, Ms. Kim, just shared some preschool pictures with us and here are a few of my favorites.  Kate LOVES being a Bouncy Bear and going to preschool!  It is a huge blessing to have such a wonderful school for her to attend.
Kate loves playing outside!
 Kate made some "earrings."
 Dress-up time!
 Kate got to share her favorite book with her class...."Pinkalicious".  I got to come to her class and read her book to her classmates.
 Last week was "Crazy Week" at school.  The first day was face paint day and Kate came home painted red and pink all over her face.  The second day was backwards day.  She wore her shirt and coat backwards.  She also walked into her class backwards with her sweatshirt hood over her face.  It was very cute!
 During backwards day all the kids sat on their seats backwards too.
 The last day was crazy hair day.  When I came to pick Kate up that day I found her surrounded by several of her classmate with her reading them all Pinkalicious.
 The whole Bouncy Bear class with crazy hair!

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