Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of School

We have had a very busy couple of weeks!  Kate started kindergarten on August 27 and Maggie started preschool today!  Kate's first few days of kindergarten went well.  She is now attending our local neighborhood public school.  She has been enjoying her class and teachers, but she has already pointed out it is not as much fun as preschool.  She and I were both very nervous/anxious the first day but she has settled into a good groove and has already made a friend.  I feel positive that this will be a good year for her. 

Maggie is now officially a preschooler and has started her first year at University Covenant Nursery School.  She is in the same 3-year-old class that Kate was in...the Bouncy Bears with Ms. Kim and Ms. Beth.  She will be in school 3 days a week, for 3 hours each day.  She is excited and the first day drop-off went smoothly.  I am praying that she will continue to enjoy school and have no problems with me leaving her each day.

Maggie was very excited to make a fruit loop necklace with Ms. Beth.

By the way, both girls got to pick out their new back-to-school outfits.  They even got to pick out new headbands and nail polish.  I am thinking we have started a new yearly tradition!

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