Saturday, November 1, 2014

Trick-or-Treat Time

All day long the rain poured and poured, but around 4:00 the rain stopped and gave us hope that Halloween night wouldn't be cancelled.  Thankfully the rain stayed away and the girls got all dressed up to trick-or-treat around our neighborhood.  We were out trick-or-treating for almost 2 hours!  The girls brought back a ridiculous amount of candy....way too much for them to eat in the next year.  We had lots of fun and we all agree this was the best Halloween yet!

Kate was SO excited to dress up as a beautiful peacock.  She spread her wings each time she rang the doorbell.  Most people didn't quite know what she was, but Kate had no problem informing them that she was a peacock and she would curtsy each time she was given a candy.

Maggie was our adorable bumble bee.  Her costume received a lot of attention and praise since she was so stinking cute!

Ready to hit the neighborhood!

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