Thursday, May 27, 2010

Visit from a dear friend

Yesterday my dear friend, Liz, and her family stopped by for a visit. Liz and I have been friends since the 2nd grade...that is 20 years! She and her family now live in Idaho so we don't get to see each other often. Thankfully they had a family wedding in California this weekend so they made a detour in Davis to visit for a few hours. Liz has a daughter, Hazel, that is one year older than Kate plus she has a little baby boy on the way that is due at the end of July. Kate and Hazel had a fun time "playing" together while Liz and I caught up.


Ben and Sarah said...

The girls look so cute together! It's so crazy that you and Liz have been friends for so long, and now your daughters are playing together!

Mary and Jim said...

You and Kate are looking great! But based on hair color I think you and Liz switched babies! So fun to see you all together. Who would have thought back in those Roosevelt days......