Monday, October 11, 2010

Friend Abby's First Birthday

On Sunday, Kate's friend, Abby, turned one. We celebrated with a ladybug party filled with lots of presents and cake. Here is a picture of the adorable party girl.
Kate enjoyed checking out all of Abby's new gifts.

Kate had fun riding the little scooter. Time for cake!
Abby loved eating her cake. She was a little hesitant at first but she did a great job getting nice and messy. "Did I eat it all?"
This morning Kate decided to try on my shoes. They are just a bit big for her right now but I do think she is doomed to have big feet. Will wears a size 13 and I wear a size 12. Her feet will become great flippers for swimming. :-)
I asked her to show me her teeth and this is the picture I got.
This morning we also had the excitement of watching both the recycle and trash truck come by our house. The second Kate heard them on our street she rushed to the door to go outside. She waved at both drives and they seemed to get quite a kick out of her too. This might become our Monday morning tradition.

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