Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sugar cookies and more

This is just a silly picture of Kate with her doll that she dressed up in her princess clothes.
On Saturday we went to Will's pharmacy Christmas party and I got the girls dressed up in matching outfits. The dresses are actually from when Kate was a little baby and Kate wore her dress to match cousin Chloe's dress.

This morning Kate had her first baking experience. At the pharmacy party, Will's coworker, Dee, gave Kate a really cute apron and cookie cutters. Kate has been pretending to make cookies ever since so I figured we might as well do the real thing. I kept it super simple and used store-bought dough and frosting but Kate had a wonderful time!

Kate had to show off her pan of cookies before they went in the oven.

Kate kept licking her fingers while frosting so I let her decorate only one cookie while I finished the rest since she has a little cold.
I think Kate's favorite part was eating her cookie. It took her about 30 minutes to do so, but she finished it!

1 comment:

Ben and Sarah said...

I love the matching outfits! And the cookie-baking looks like it was a lot of fun. :-)