Monday, December 15, 2014

Will's Birthday, Loscutoff Christmas and Christmas Singing...all in one day!

Yesterday, December 14, was the busiest day of our Christmas season.  Maggie sang at church in the morning for her preschool, Kate sang at church in the evening for Kid's choir, it was Will's birthday and we celebrated our Loscutoff Christmas.  Despite the busy schedule, it was a wonderful day, filled with special family time and joyous celebration!

Maggie was excited to sing with her preschool at church.  They sang "Go Tell it on the Mountain".  She did a great job singing up front and performing her hand-motions that went with the song.  She was super duper cute!

Kate was also a very enthusiastic singer!  The kids choir performed 4 songs and were all beautiful sung!  The highlight was  watching Kate's facial expressions while signing.  She was very animated and at times would yawn while singing.

We exchanged gifts with Dedushka, Grammalene, Uncle Peter and Auntie Megan.  There was quite a mess after all the gift opening was complete!

The girls received tennis rackets and balls from Dedushka and Grammalene....all kid-friendly for learning their skills.

We also enjoyed some birthday pumpkin cheesecake!

Kate received a "Sew Cool" threadless sewing machine.  She and Grammalene sewed pillows for the whole family.
First pillow, an adorable owl.  (all supplies provided in a kit)

The men watched football while the girls played.

 Happy family time...unfortunately I am not in the picture since I was behind the camera. :-)

Kate's Christmas dress matched her special doll, Lucy.

After the late Christmas concert at church, the girls were acting a little goofy and ready for bed!

I love my family!!!

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