Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! Will and I woke up at 6:00am and finished opening up most of our gifts before Kate woke up at 6:30. We felt like little kids again...all giddy to open up our presents as fast as possible. Will gave me a new washing machine for Christmas and I gave him an electric pressure washer. It is funny how as we get older we get so excited about getting practical gifts for the home.

It was so much fun celebrating Kate's first Christmas. She seemed to enjoy all the gifts and the excitement!

Kate actually helped open up her gifts, though I think she was more fascinated by the wrapping paper than the toy.

Kate was very excited about her new toys and books Christmas morning.

After we opened up gifts at home we went to my parents house for a delicious breakfast and more presents. Kate received these adorable sunglasses from Gramma and Papa in her stocking.

Boy, Christmas can sure be exhausting!
Kate received a very cool musical book from her Uncle Daniel. Not only does it make a lot of sounds, but it tastes yummy too. :-)
After breakfast, the 3 of us went for a really nice walk. Kate has finally decided that walking in her stroller is not torture. Up until the past week Kate would freak out if we put her in her stroller. Now she loves to sit in it and take in all the sights as we walk. It is wonderful not having to carry her in the front pack all the time.
In the evening we went back to my parents for dinner and more presents with my grandparents and sister's family. It is amazing how loud the house can get with all the kids opening up presents and playing with their new toys! We had a really nice time hanging out with family.
I think the best present of the entire day was Kate! It was exactly a year ago we told our family we were pregnant and now she is 5 months old. I absolutely love being her mommy...challenging at times, but very rewarding! Her giggles, cuddles, and smiles make it all very worth it!!!

1 comment:

Ben and Sarah said...

I love the cool shades...