Monday, April 26, 2010

9-Month Check Up

Last Friday Kate turned 9 months old. It is so hard to believe she is only 3 months away from being a one-year old! Today we had the unfortunate task of going to the doctor's for her 9-month check up. Kate weighed in at 22lbs (90-95%) and 28" long (75%). According to her stats she is lengthening and trimming up a bit. She had to have another shot and blood test so she was not a happy camper by the end of her appointment. She slept for 3 hours once we got home which was a very nice break for me. :-)

Kate LOVES to watch Elmo. She starts to squeal every time she sees him. Maybe it is bad parenting to let her watch TV at such a young age but I have discovered that Sesame Street keeps Kate distracted while I put on her clothes. If there are no distractions then she throws a huge fit while I try to get her arms through her shirt.

One joy of having a 9 month old is that she is starting to get a mind of her own and express her opinion. Everyday we have mini battles and tantrums that test our patience. One of her favorite new thing is to have a "battle of the bib." She pulls at her bib until she rips it off or I give up and take it off of her. Another battle is that she hates being fed with a spoon. It seems that she will only eat finger food so last night her dinner consisted of strawberry pieces. This morning she had chunks of banana. I need to get more creative and figure out other baby friendly finger foods I can give her. I gave her some pasta with peas for lunch today but she wasn't too interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes...a mind of her own. Sounds like a first child! What a cutie, though!