Monday, June 14, 2010

Silly Girl

Kate has discovered several new things over the past few weeks. She now knows how to clap her hands, dance and wave "bye-bye." She also has discovered that she LOVES to climb!
Her favorite places to climb are her booster seat, car seat, stroller, piano, sofa, and computer desk. The only problem is she hasn't quite figured out how to get down carefully. Thankfully we are always there to assist her, but I am worried one day she will take a nose dive off the side of the sofa when my head is turned. Below are a few pictures of her climbing adventures.

Kate has also been greatly enjoying her baby pool. She loves to splash the water on herself and me. I am hoping to take her to the public pool soon where she can get a little more wet.
The other day Kate enjoyed riding in the firetruck at Gramma and Papa's house. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but she liked it when I would push the siren.
Last night Kate was being very goofy before bedtime. We pulled out the camera since she was making very silly sounds, but instead she showed us her new silly squirmy moves.

1 comment:

Ben and Sarah said...

WOW, she has quite a unique way of crawling! :-) I can't say I've ever seen that before!