Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Swim Lessons

Yesterday was Kate's first day of swim lessons. She and her friends Hazel, Abby, and Zoey are all participating in a 2-week swim lesson course geared towards babies. The basic idea of the swim lessons is to get our babies comfortable to the water and to play and have fun. Kate had a wonderful time splashing and swimming in the water. She was so sad to get out of the pool...she kept pointing at the water and threw a little fit when we said "no-no." She is already proving to be quite a little water bug.

From left: Melissa and Kate, Amy and Hazel, Brenna and Zoey, Courtnee and Abby


Liz said...

How fun! It's wonderful that you have a little one that you can share the fun of swimming with - instead of trying to convince her that water isn't scary.

Hazel and I went to the pool yesterday for the first time. The child has no fear (not a good thing) and charged right in so I had to grab her to stop her from going over her head. Yikes.


Ben and Sarah said...

How fun that you and your friends are doing the swim class together! I love the picture of all of you holding your daughters in a row. :-) And Kate looks SO cute in her little swim suit!